Wednesday, March 25

Heart Purse Pattern

Materials Needed: Size 6 needles; scissors; 1 stitch holder or safety pin; yarn of any color.

Cast on 2 stitches.

Row 1: P2

Row 2: K2

Row 3: P1, YO, P1 ( 3 sts )

Row 4: K3

Row 5: P1, YO, knit to last stitch, YO, P1. ( 4 sts )

Row 6: Knit 4

Continue to knit this way until there are 20 stitches on the knitting needle.


First side of heart

Put 10 stitches on stitch holder or safety pin, and then with the other 10 stitches allready on the needle, knit across.

Row 2: Purl across

Row 3: Knit across

Row 4: P1, P2tog. Purl until you reach the last 3 stitches. P2, P2tog, P1. ( 6 stitches )

Row 7: Knit

Row 8: P1, P2tog, P2tog, P1. ( 4 stitches )

Row 9: Knit

Monday, March 23

Zig Zag Scarf

Materials: 1 hank Prime Alpaca (8 oz, 665 yds), size 7 needles. (Kathy’s new Bryson rosewood needles are great with this yarn!)

Cast on 64 stitches. Knit one row.

Begin pattern:

Row 1: K1, *SSK, K3, YO, K1 tbl. (through the back loop), P2.* Repeat from * to * to last 7 stitches. SSK, K3, YO, K1 tbl, K1.

Row 2: K1, *P6, K2.* Repeat from * to * to last 7 stitches. P6, K1.

Rows 3-10: Repeat rows 1-2 four more times.

Row 11: K1, *K1 tbl, YO, K3, K2 tog, P2.* Repeat from * to * to last 7 stitches. K1 tbl, YO, K3, K2 tog, K1.

Row 12: Repeat row 2.

Rows 13-20: Repeat rows 11-12 four more times.

Repeat these 20 rows until the desired length. End with a row 10 or 20. Knit 1 row. Bind off and block.

Copyright 2008 Judie Hershey